HP Inc. India has introduced a mini desktop to help students across India to learn, collaborate and enjoy the learning experience. Priced below INR 20,000/-, the HP 260 G3 desktop mini is aimed at encouraging the use of technology for learning.
Designed specifically for the Indian education ecosystem, the affordability of these desktops will enable schools and institutes to set up or upgrade the computers in their Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) labs at a minimal cost. These devices will help students enhance their science and technological skills, thereby enhancing their knowledge and creativity.
“As technology becomes integral to businesses and consumers’ daily lives, students need to learn digital skills that equip them well for the future. Driven by our goal to empower students, HP has launched the mini desktop solution to enable easy and affordable digital learning for students across India.” said Sumeer Chandra, Managing Director, HP India.
Vickram Bedi, Senior Director, Personal Systems, HP Inc. India said, “We are hitting a new price band with the HP 260 G3 desktop mini. With this, HP will be able to address the market’s need for cost-effective desktop PCs. We are reaching out to schools and educational institutions in metro cities as well as those in smaller cities, where affordable digital learning devices can be highly useful.’’
The HP 260 G3 is an extremely compact yet powerful PC with Intel integrated graphics. When paired with HP Integrated Work Center and HP EliteDisplay, teachers can read and present files effortlessly. With the wide range of input display connectors (VGA, USB, HDMI), documents can also be shared across multiple monitors.
Easy to carry around and store, the HP 260 G3 is also easily upgradeable and serviceable. Its rear thumb screw allows the unit to be opened easily and components are labelled and color-coded for easy replacement. To help maximize desk space, the device can be mounted on a monitor with the Dual VESA Sleeve and paired with an HP Wireless Keyboard.
HP 260 G3 desktop mini
⦁ Operating System: Windows 10 Pro
⦁ Processor: 7th gen Intel® Core™
⦁ Memory: Up to 32GB of DDR4
⦁ Warranty- 1 year onsite
For more information, please visit https://www.hpshopping.in/
Pricing and Availability
⦁ Pentium Dual Core with 18.5” Monitor is available at a starting price of INR 19990 + GST
⦁ Intel Core i3 with 18.5” Monitor is available at a starting price of INR 25990 + GST
⦁ HP Wireless Keyboard is available at a starting price of INR 1250